Our Focus
Visions of TNBRD NGO

TNBRD drives rural development by improving infrastructure, promoting health, supporting agriculture, and enhancing environmental awareness for sustainable community growth

Agriculture continues to be the most predominant sector of the State economy, as 70 percent of the population is engaged in Agriculture and allied activities for their livelihood. The State has as an area of 1.3 Lakh sq.km with a gross cropped area of around 63 L.Ha.. The main objective is to ensure stability in agricultural production and to increase the agricultural productivity in a sustainable manner to meet the food requirement of growing population in the country.

Tamil Nadu has all along been one of the states with a creditable performance in agricultural production and the farmers relatively more responsive and receptive to changing technologies and market forces.

To strengthen the state agricultural policies, the TNBRD is implementing various development activities in agriculture and allied departments through ICAR sponsored Krishi Vigyan Kendra’s located at Thiruvannamalai and Krishnagiri districts of the state. The major activities taken up by the kendras are listed below.

  • Planning and conducting survey of the operational area in order to prepare the resource inventory with special reference to identifying the training needs of the farming community.
  • Planning and Conducting Short term research trials to identify the location specificity of agricultural technologies under various farming systems.
  • Planning and Organizing Front Line Demonstrations (FLD) to establish production potential of various crops and enterprises on the farmers’ fields.
  • Organizing need based training of farmers to update their knowledge and skills in modern agricultural technologies related to technology assessment, refinement and demonstration and training of extension personnel to orient them in the frontier areas of technology development.
  • Creating awareness about improved technologies to larger masses through appropriate extension programmes.
  • Production and supply of good quality seeds and planting materials, livestock, poultry and fisheries breeds and products and various bio-products to the farming community.
  • Work as resource and knowledge centre of agricultural technology for supporting initiatives of public, private and voluntary sector for improving the agricultural economy of the district.
  • Organizing farm science clubs in rural villages in order to induce younger generation into modern agriculture and allied fi elds through scientific.
  • Developing and maintaining the campus farms and demonstration units on scientific lines as the facilities for providing work experience to the trainees as also disseminating the latest technical know how.
  • Imparting some general education to rural illiterates and school drop-outs in order to make them not only good farmers but al so better citizens.
  • Providing added training facilities in the areas for home making and nutrition education for rural community.

India’s rural areas have been left behind when compared to the towns or cities in India. One major cause of rural poverty is the inability for children and the farmers in rural areas to obtain basic education. India wishes for Compulsory Primary Education in the recent years, with its challenges of keeping poor children in school and maintaining quality of education in rural areas, has been difficult to achieve. While schools do exist in rural India, many children are not able to attend because they are needed instead to earn money for their families by working in factories or fields. Without a foundation of basic education, these children are trapped in a life of hard labor and sustainable wages.

One of primary mission of TNBRD is to educate the thousands of village children and farmers who grow up illiterate. In addition, motivating the school dropouts due to various reasons by conducting special class and assisting them to continue their studies.
Measures will be taken to ensure direct donations to programs that assist in promoting rural education and literacy.

Model Village School

TNBRD is currently planning a pilot village Model school with a phase by phase approach to provide primary and secondary education using the national school syllabus with special emphasis on:

  • Agriculture Sciences and Environmental protection studies
  • Technology and Sciences
  • Health and Hygiene
  • Extra Co-curricular Activities
  • Sports and Games

Our aim is to eradicate the lack of health care facilities in rural India by creating a chain of primary health care units that offer high quality, affordable outpatient care in low income, densely populated regions, where health care delivery by the state is poor.

The major activities focused are :

  • Setting up of Primary Health Care centres at the village level.
  • Organizing eye camps, master checkups, awareness camps on diabetes, kidney disease, heart diseases, cancer, etc.
  • Supporting the village schools to establish nutritional garden and thereby creating awareness on healthy food supplements for the children and pregnant women.
  • Providing healthy food supplement to the school children to improve their malnutrition among themselves. In addition to this necessary training also provided with the help of health and sanitary inspectors working in and around the villages.

The Tamil nadu Board of Rural Development has been carrying out need based programmes for the development of rural poor especially belonging to marginal and underprivileged sections for the past 25 years. Presently our NGO is concentrating in two districts namely Thiruvannamalai and Krishnagir of Tamil Nadu.

The Major areas of our works are :

  • Laying of roads to connect between the remote villages where the rural people can’t access the basic facilities like hospital, drinking water of and marketing of agri produces.
  • Creating awareness on global warming and afforestation activities at the village level.
  • Erection and installation of bore wells in the rural areas for the drinking water facility.
  • Providing farm implements at free of cost to overcome the manpower shortage in agriculture and allied activities.
  • Creating awareness on health hygenity by constructing low cost toilets in the backyard home.
  • Formations of SHG’s, CIG and trainings to know the recent practices evolved in different fields.
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