Ongoing Projects

Ongoing Projects

A quality paddy seed production technology

Paddy is the most predominant crop cultivating in about 125000 hectares in Thiruvannamalai district. Though the crop occupies a major area, the farmers are not getting their quality seeds in subsequent seasons due to heavy demand of seeds to cover larger area. By keeping the mentioned points above, the TNBRD has been initiated the quality seed production in paddy in association with NABARD, Thiruvannamalai. The project focuses on the farmers club of Vandavasi and Thellar block involving 220 progressive farmers to start their own paddy seed production unit. Training on seed production, certification and other procedures will be disseminated to the farmers involving the local seeds certification department officials and scientists from KVK.

Ongoing Projects

Formation of farmers club

In order to provide awareness on recent technologies in agriculture and allied subjects, more number of farmers clubs have been formed at the village level. The club consist of 15 – 20 progressive farmers including female and SC/ST people of that village. The main aim of the club is gathering monthly once to discuss among the members related to scientific advancement in agriculture by inviting technical experts for the meeting. In addition to the credit linkage facilities to be made for the clubs those interested in starting their own ventures. Trainings also arranged for the group members in linkage with the KVK in order to create awareness on recent trends in agriculture.

Ongoing Projects

Vegetable Special – A unique Micronutrient formulation for vegetables

Vegetables special is a micronutrient formulation developed at Indian Institute of Horticulture Research (IIHR), Bangalore for combating the deficiency of micro nutrient occurring in vegetable crops. The formulation has been found to be unique with six micro nutrients namely Zinc, Boron, Manganese, Iron, Molybdenum, Copper and three secondary nutrients such as Calcium, Magnesium and Sulfur. The vegetable special is recommended as foliar spry for all vegetables. The spray of vegetable special is found to enhance the yield levels by at least 10 %. The most important qualitative advantage is enhancement of fruit quality. Vegetable Special at KVK ThiruvannamalaiWith a view to ensure the timely availability of the product to farmers and pave the way for horizontal spread of the technology. The technology of production of vegetable special has been acquired by KVK with the financial assistance of NABARD; Thiruvannamalai in the year 2014 and it is being produced at KVK and sold to farmers at nominal cost.

Ongoing Projects

Food Processing Training Centre (FPTC)

Thiruvannamalai district of Tamil Nadu is an agrarian district. Agriculture is the main occupation for about 82% of population in the district. Paddy, Groundnut and Ragi are the major agriculture crops cultivated in the district. Fruit crops viz., Banana, mango, sapota, guava, etc., vegetable crops such as Brinjal, Tomato, Bhendi, Chillies etc., are the major horticulture crops cultivated in the district. With a view to provide technical knowledge to the rural people of the district and to promote more number of food processing units for their economic upliftment, the TNBRD established Food Processing Training Centre at Kilnelli Village in collaboration with the National Mission on Food Processing funded by Ministry of Food Processing during 2014 for the purpose. Trainings to farmers, farm women and rural youth are regularly planning in the following fields. The total project out lay is Rs.15.00 lakhs.

Ongoing Projects

Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Thiruvannamalai

To disseminate latest technologies and farm related innovations for the skill enhancement of farming community towards their socio-economic upliftment, KVK has been formed by Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi in each and every district of Tamil Nadu. In Thiruvannamalai, KVK is located at Kilnelli village of Cheyyar taluk and its being operated for the benefit of farming community since 1991. The major mandates of KVK are : “Technology assessment, refinement and demonstration of technology / Products.” Activities

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